Re: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v8
From: William Lee Irwin III
Date: Wed May 02 2007 - 01:29:51 EST
On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 10:57:14PM -0400, Ting Yang wrote:
> Authors of this paper proposed a scheduler: Earlist Eligible Virtual
> Deadline First (EEVDF). EEVDF uses exactly the same method as CFS to
> track the execution of each running task. The only difference between
> EEVDF and CFS is that EEVDF tries to _deadline_ fair while CFS is
> _start-time_ fair. Scheduling based on deadline gives better reponse
> time bound and seems to more fair.
> In the following part of this email, I will try to explain the
> similarities and differences between EEVDF and CFS. Hopefully, this
> might provide you with some useful information w.r.t your current work
> on CFS.
Any chance you could write a patch to convert CFS to EEVDF? People may
have an easier time understanding code than theoretical explanations.
(I guess I could do it if sufficiently pressed.)
-- wli
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