Re: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v8
From: Gene Heskett
Date: Wed May 02 2007 - 04:51:49 EST
On Wednesday 02 May 2007, Ingo Molnar wrote:
>* Gene Heskett <gene.heskett@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> > I noticed a (harmless) bounds warning triggered by the reduction in
>> > size of array->bitmap. Patchlet below.
>> I just checked my logs, and it appears my workload didn't trigger this
>> one Mike. [...]
>yeah: this is a build-time warning and it needs a newer/smarter gcc to
>notice that provably redundant piece of code. It's a harmless thing -
>but nevertheless Mike's fix is a nice little micro-optimization as well:
>it always bothered me a bit that at 140 priority levels we were _just_
>past the 128 bits boundary by 12 bits. Now on 64-bit boxes it's just two
>64-bit words to cover all 100 priority levels of RT tasks.
>> [...] And so far, v8 is working great here. And that great is in my
>> best "Tony the Tiger" voice, stolen shamelessly from the breakfast
>> cereal tv commercial of 30+ years ago. :)
>heh :-)
>> Ingo asked for a 0-100 rating, where 0 is mainline as I recall it, and
>> 100 is the best of the breed. I'll give this one a 100 till something
>> better shows up.
>nice - and you arent even using any OpenGL games ;)
>The 0-100 rating is really useful to me so that i can see the impact of
>regressions (if any) and it's also one single number representing the
>subjective impression - that way it's easier to keep tab of things.
>btw., do you still renice kmail slightly, or does it now work out of box
>with default nice 0?
> Ingo
For this last couple of boots, its "right out of the box" and isn't getting
under my skin. A make -j4 didn't bother it either.
Cheers, Gene
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