Re: [patch] CFS scheduler, -v7
From: Ingo Molnar
Date: Thu May 03 2007 - 08:37:45 EST
* Al Boldi <a1426z@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [...] But I can still see these awful latency blips in the presence of
> negatively niced chew.c at -10 and two chew.c's at nice 0. [...]
of course: you asked for the two chew's to be treated like that and CFS
delivered it! :-)
nice -10 means the two chew's will get ~90+% of the CPU time, and all
other nice 0 tasks will get <10% of CPU time.
in the previous mail i have described the new exponential-scale nice
levels that CFS introduces. In practice this means that vanilla kernel's
nice -20 level is roughly equivalent to CFS's nice -6. CFS's nice -10
would be roughly equivalent to vanilla nice -80 (if it existed).
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