Re: Back to the future.
From: david
Date: Mon May 07 2007 - 15:59:19 EST
On Mon, 7 May 2007, Pavel Machek wrote:
Really? It works today... if the suspend is short
enough. And that's
how it should be.
If we get very good at Wake-on-Lan it should work for
any length
of time.
for suspend-to-ram this would work, I stand corrected.
for hibernate this would almost certinly not work, and I
don't think that it's worth raising false hopes.
Check the facts. It used to work, and it should work today.
I don't dispute that it sometimes works today.
what I dispute is that makeing it work should be a contraint on a cleaner
design that happens to cause tcp connections to fail on suspend-to-disk
if you are dong suspend-to-disk for such a short period that TCP
connections are able to recover (typically <15 min for most firewalls, in
some cases <2 min for connections with keep-alive) is it really worth it?
and once you pass the timeframes where the connections are still alive
then it shouldn't matter, and in fact the server should gracefully close
the connections to be nice to other devices and servers on the network.
I dispute the idea that doing a suspend-to-disk and expecting that your
network connections will recover when you wake up is a sane expectation.
David Lang
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