Re: Please revert 5adc55da4a7758021bcc374904b0f8b076508a11 (PCI_MULTITHREAD_PROBE)

From: Stefan Richter
Date: Thu May 10 2007 - 10:57:10 EST

Phillip Susi wrote:
> Stefan Richter wrote:
>> The SCSI stack already has infrastructure for multi-threaded discovery
>> and probing.
> So? It would still benefit from using a generic framework that other
> buses can use as well.

Perhaps, perhaps not. Many details of the If and How of asynchronous,
parallelized probing rest with the low-level drivers.

[BTW, which ever team attempts to design this generic framework please
brings in detailed knowledge of a variety of bus architectures. I for
one would like to contribute with what I know about IEEE 1394, but
before that I still have to experiment on my own before I have a good
understanding of how to parallelize IEEE 1394 scanning and probing, and
the IEEE 1394 core is being radically reworked at the moment anyway.]

> Not to mention that the current scsi specific
> framework tends to cause unstable names doesn't it?

No. Reality causes "unstable" names. Or more precisely, we ultimately
can't get persistent names from dumb enumerations according to probing
order. We get persistent names by reading persistent device properties
in userspace and by letting userspace rename or give aliases to devices.

Names based on probing order are fine for really simplistic setups like
the famous Aunt Tilly's home computer --- but not for the general case
that you are trying to cover.

(Sorry for repeating what has been said before in this thread.)
Stefan Richter
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