why both "__pure" and "__attribute_pure__"?
From: Robert P. J. Day
Date: Tue May 15 2007 - 04:00:01 EST
is there a reason that compiler-gcc.h defines both:
#define __pure __attribute__((pure))
#define __attribute_pure__ __attribute__((pure))
one would think that the shorter form would be preferable to go along
with the other short forms defined in that header file, but a quick
tree scan shows that the longer form is used exclusively (although
still not in what you'd call overwhelming numbers):
$ grep -rw __attribute_pure__ * | wc -l
$ grep -rw __pure * | wc -l
is there any reason not to just change those few instances to the
short form?
Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA
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