Am Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007 07:01 schrieb Bill Eldridge:
> timecop wrote:
> >> Guys, it's GPL code. Fork the project and stop your bitching.
> >> If you do a better job, people will use and contribute to your
> >> If you do a worse job, people will use and contribute to Manu's.
> >> Some will use and contribute to both. Life's good, eh?
> >
> > This is exactly why Linux is shit.
> > You have 100s of "forked projects" because some guy named Uwe thought
> > he could do better than some guy named Manu and now you have two
> > projects to contribute to, both suck in various ways, of course some
> > idiot is going to be "backporting" from one to another, introducing
> > weird bugs, etc etc etc.
> >
> > Make a fucking decision and stick with it. Stop wasting everyone's
> > time. It's no secret that current Linux-DVB/V4L/whatever system is a
> > pile of steaming feces. Every one of you admitted to it on this list
> > at some point in the past. So get to it, make a fucking decision,
> > "fire" (loool) retards who are slowing the project down, and get shit
> > moving. I vote for Uwe as Linux-DVB maintainer.
> > Regards,
> > tc
> I nominate Timecop to be maintainer/top cop to figure out which version
> sucks in which area
> and do his best to get the best approach used. Sometimes a good strong
> and outspoken
> manager is more important than technical prowess (and I have no idea as
> to your technical
> abilities, just saying it looks like a management issue).
I am not a fan of "strong men" or "strong managers" of whatever kind. We in
Germany have very bad experiences concerning this kind of human desire /
regarding our history.
Instead there should be one responsible code reviewer for v4l stuff, and at
least one responsible code reviewer for DVB stuff.
This is a minimum adequate demand to make things work.
Inactivity on future projects in connection with Nacks of activities to
optimize the stock kernel are no fair play or helpful behaviour at all, but
they are just counterproductive. Who likes small kings? Well, I do not!
> For Uwe, it's not that I don't "want" to understand anything - I just
> showed up 2 days ago and
> simply want a workable driver for my machine, and instead had to switch
> cards to something
> else. Usually I assume if the code was forked the fork would be
> somewhere else and you wouldn't
> be complaining to this list, but I understand there are different ways.
> (Samba did it this way for
> quite some time).
Forking may be OK for different Linux distros. But v4l-DVB is not a distro,
should be a common project instead.
What you find is some 20 developers with a multiplicity of repositories.
You do not even know who is maintainer and who is not.
What you also find is the blocking gesture of that person who once threw his
hat into the ring wanting to become maintainer.
As the whole situation is one big mess you do not even know whether becoming
maintainer or not is product of a democtratic vote.
Above that there is no team structure at all, but instead there is a big
chaos, mess.
And if some code, may it be humble or mature, is not even pulled into the
mm-tree (its basic role has always been testing, nothing else) I would call
that a catastrophe.