Re: [PATCH -RSS] Add documentation for the RSS controller
From: Balbir Singh
Date: Tue Jun 05 2007 - 04:30:33 EST
Pavel Emelianov wrote:
>> +1. RSS controller
>> +2. Page Cache controller
>> +3. mlock(2) controller
>> +4. Kernel user memory accounting and slab control
> I would add the user-mappings-length controller
:-) I'll update the document
>> +The RSS controller is the first controller developed, the page cache controller
>> +is under development [7].
>> +
>> +2.1. Design
>> +
>> +The core of the design is a counter called the res_counter. The res_counter
>> +tracks the current RSS usage and limit of the group of processes associated
>> +with the controller. A res_counter is embedded in the mm_struct of a process
> res_counter is not embedded into mm_structs :\
Oops.. sorry, that was my design for task migration. We just have a pointer to
the rss_container.
>> +and within the container that groups processes together. Each container
>> +has a RSS specific data structure (rss_container) associated with it.
>> +
>> +2.2. Accounting
>> +
>> + +--------------------+
>> + | container |
>> + | (res_counter) |
>> + +--------------------+
>> + / \
>> + / \
>> + +---------------+ +---------------+
>> + | mm_struct | .... | mm_struct |
>> + | (res_counter) | | (res_counter) |
>> + +---------------+ +---------------+
>> +
>> + (Figure 1: Hierarchy of Accounting)
>> +
>> +
>> +Figure 1 shows two important aspects of the controller
>> +
>> +1. Accounting happens per mm_struct (per process)
>> +2. The accounting information of each mm_struct is accumulated in the container.
>> +
>> +(2) is required so that when a task migrates from container A to container B,
>> +the accounting of the task is known accurately and the charges can be
>> +carried over (*not done currently*) if desired.
>> +
>> +The accounting is done currently in two phases. In the first phase
>> +container_rss_prepare() is invoked to setup the necessary data structures
>> +and check if the container that is being charged is over its limit. If
>> +it is then reclaim is invoked on the container. More details can be found
>> +in the reclaim section of this document. If everything goes well, a page
>> +meta-data-structure called page_container is allocated and associated
>> +with the page.
>> +
>> +In the second phase, container_rss_add is invoked from page_add_*_rmap().
>> +This routine adds the page to the per container LRU.
>> +
>> +2.3 Shared Page Accounting
>> +
>> +Shared pages are accounted on the basis of the first touch approach. The
>> +container that first touches a page is accounted for the page. The principle
>> +behind this approach is that a container that aggressively uses a shared
>> +page, will eventually get charged for it (once it is uncharged from
>> +the container that brought it in -- this will happen on memory pressure).
>> +
>> +2.4 Reclaim
>> +
>> +Each container maintains a per container LRU that consists of an active
>> +and inactive list. When a container goes over its limit, we first try
>> +and reclaim memory from the container so as to make space for the new
>> +pages that the container has touched. If the reclaim is unsuccessful,
>> +an OOM routine is invoked to select and kill the bulkiest task in the
>> +container.
>> +
>> +The reclaim algorithm has not been modified for containers, except that
>> +pages that are selected for reclaiming come from the per container LRU
>> +list (through isolate_pages_in_container())
>> +
>> +3. User Interface
>> +
>> +(From Pavel's posting)
>> +
>> +1. Prepare the containers
>> +# mkdir -p /containers/rss
>> +# mount -t container none /containers/rss -o rss
>> +
>> +2. Make the new group and move bash into it
>> +# mkdir /containers/rss/0
>> +# echo $$ > /containers/rss/0/tasks
>> +
>> +Since now we're in the 0 container.
>> +We can alter the RSS limit
>> +# echo -n 6000 > /containers/rss/0/rss_limit
>> +
>> +We can check the usage
>> +# cat /containers/rss/0/rss_usage
>> +25
>> +
>> +The rss_failcnt gives the number of times that the container limit was
>> +exceeded and the rss_reclaimed gives the count of the number of times
>> +reclaim was called.
>> +
>> +4. Testing
>> +
>> +Balbir posted lmbench [8] and AIM9 [9] results for the RSS v2[4] patches.
>> +Apart from that v2 has been tested with several applications for the OLS
>> +paper on memory control. These applications include web servers and database
>> +servers. RSS v2 has also been tested on the PPC64, x86_64 and UML platforms.
>> +
>> +4.1 Troubleshooting
>> +
>> +Sometimes a user might find that the application under a container is
>> +terminated, there are several causes for this
>> +
>> +1. The container limit is too low (just too low to do anything useful)
>> +2. The user is using anonymous memory and swap is turned off or too low
>> +
>> +5. TODO
>> +
>> +1. Test v3 on more platforms and run more tests
>> +2. Add support for accounting huge pages (as a separate controller)
>> +3. Improve the user interface to accept/display memory limits in KB or MB
>> + rather than pages (since page sizes can differ across platforms/machines).
> The actual TODO is a bit larger :)
> 4. make container lists per-zone
> 5. make per-container scanner reclaim not-shared pages first
> 6. teach controller to account for shared-pages
> 7. start reclamation when the limit is lowered
> 8. (?) start reclamation in the background when the limit is
> not yet hit but the usage is getting closer
Yes, these are implementation enhancements, I'll add them to the list of TODO's.
>> +
>> +Summary
>> +
>> +Overall, the RSS controller has been a stable controller and has been
>> +commented and discussed on quite extensively in the community.
>> +
>> +References
>> +
>> +1. Singh, Balbir. RFC: Memory Controller,
>> +2. Singh, Balbir. Memory Controller (RSS Control),
>> +
>> +3. Emelianov, Pavel. Resource controllers based on process containers
>> +
>> +4. Emelianov, Pavel. RSS controller based on process containers (v2)
>> +
>> +5. Emelianov, Pavel. RSS controller based on process containers (v3)
>> +
>> +6. Menage, Paul. Containers v10,
>> +7. Vaidyanathan, Srinivasan, Containers: Pagecache accounting and control
>> + subsystem (v3),
> This (7) is excess.
I am not sure I get this comment.
>> +8. Singh, Balbir. RSS controller V2 test results (lmbench),
>> +
>> +9. Singh, Balbir. RSS controller V2 AIM9 results
>> +
>> _
Warm Regards,
Balbir Singh
Linux Technology Center
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