From: Grant Grundler <grundler@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 9 Jun 2007 00:59:53 -0600
On Fri, Jun 08, 2007 at 03:46:30PM -0700, Auke Kok wrote:Currently there are 97 occurrences where drivers need the pciGood idea. I always wondered why we read the invariants so often
revision ID. We can do this once for all devices. Even the pci
subsystem needs the revision several times for quirks. The extra
u8 member pads out nicely in the pci_dev struct.
in the code.
BTW, if you add code like this, you also have to add the
appropriate code to do this for all the platforms that probe
the PCI bus using a firmware device tree like sparc64
and powerpc do.