CRAMFS: Possible problem with named pipes

From: Michael KÃnig
Date: Wed Jun 13 2007 - 03:57:57 EST

Hello there,

I'm using Linux on a device with an ETRAX100LX utilizing SDK 2.10 fom Axis, which includes Linux 2.6.19.
I tried to use the latest CRAMFS code from the GIT repository, but I get the following error:
fs/cramfs/inode.c: In function `cramfs_readdir':
fs/cramfs/inode.c:342: structure has no member named `f_path'

I hope the behaviour is also reproducable with the latest code. Unfortunately I'm not sure which revision the code in the Axis distribution has, since there is no information in the source files.

To reproduce the problem follow these steps:
1. Create two named pipes on a CRAMFS image (in my case "fifo1" and "fifo2").
2. Output the pipes on separate terminals with "cat fifo1" and "cat fifo2".
3. Pipe a large text file (around 1MiB) into one of the pipes "cat large.txt > fifo1"

The result of these steps should be that some parts of the text file are piped to fifo1 while other parts are piped to fifo2.

I'm no kernel nor file system expert, but since pipes should be handled in the VFS but the inodes are provided by the file system (as far as I understand), this could be an inode mixup regarding named pipes in the CRAMFS.

Thanks in advance for any hints that might clear up this issue.

Mit freundlichen GrÃÃen
Best regards
Michael KÃnig

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