Re: Versioning file system
From: Jeffrey V. Merkey
Date: Sat Jun 16 2007 - 04:30:38 EST
This already exists -- it just not open sourced, and you could spend
years trying to create it. Trust me, once you start dealing with the
distributed issues with this, its gets very complex. I am not meaning
to discourage you, but there are patents already filed on this on
Linux. So you need to consider these as well, and there are several
folks who are already doing this or have done it. If it goes into
Microsoft endorsed cross licensed Linuxes It may be ok (Vertias sold
this capability to Microsoft already, about 12 patents there to worry
over). There's also another patent filed as well. It's a noble effort
to do a free version, but be aware there's some big guns with patents
out there already, not to mention doing this is complex beyond belief.
Anyway good luck. ~~~~
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