Re: [RFC/PATCH] Documentation of kernel messages

From: holzheu
Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 07:35:27 EST

On Mon, 2007-06-18 at 18:36 -0700, Arjan van de Ven wrote:


> well.... surely the messages are caught by some userspace program,
> right? (like syslog).. that can do the lookup and make it all
> conveniently lookup-able and cross-referencable etc etc....

Ok, I agree. Maybe that's really a good idea!

So what about the following proposal:

* Use printk format strings as message IDs
* Use kernel-doc (or similar mechanism) for message documentation
* Use Subsystem tag/component ID for each printk. This might be
optional, but would make sense to get messages more unique.
* Implement a new tool (kmsg) to allow operators
to access kernel message descriptions in a convenient way.

The kmsg tool will read the dmsg buffer together with the list of
documented printks, which has been created in the kernel build using
the format strings defined in the KMSG_DOC macros. It matches the known
format strings to the dmesg messages and informs the operator, for
which message he can get a description.

Something like:

>> kmsg
Linux version 2.6.9-42.0.3.ELsmp...
[<ID>] lp0 on fire

>> kmsg <ID>
Desciption: your printer failed basic tests, you should check cabling

The <ID> is generated by the kmsg tool and could be e.g. the hashes for
the matching format strings.


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