Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
From: Nicolas Mailhot
Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 16:21:23 EST
Le mardi 19 juin 2007 Ã 21:56 +0200, Diego Calleja a Ãcrit :
> Please, stop pretending you are hardware manufacturers. You are not.
Please, stop pretending the end user has no say in the GPL. The GPL (v2
or v3) is written with the end user not the hardware manufacturer in
Also I can tell you the enterprises who make the living of Red Hat,
Novell and IBM (to name some major kernel contributors) care very much
about their part of the GPL deal. That is they can dump a supplier
(hardware or software) at any moment because he has no lock on their
system. Should the kernel devs ally themselves with entities like Tivo
who put the vendor lock-in back in free/libre systems, said systems
attractivity will decrease sharply (and it only takes a few managers to
notice their Linux systems are just as locked as the usual proprietary
Tivo didn't make the Linux success. More Tivos can definitely undo it.
Nicolas Mailhot
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