Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
From: Dave Neuer
Date: Wed Jun 20 2007 - 17:27:59 EST
On 6/20/07, Tomas Neme <lacrymology@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Why, if you let user-compiled kernels to run in a TiVo, it might be
modified so the TiVo can be used to pirate-copy protected content,
1) It may be far more likely that in the majority of cases it will be
modified with the intent to allow functionality which has no bearing
on copyrighted entertainment copyright or which is permitted under the
Fair Use doctrine. Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else on the list
knows whether that is the case.
2) There are far easier ways to pirate copyrighted entertainment
content (like buy the discs, professional duplicating hardware, and
just dup them) which I would wager is what actual pirates do 99% of
the time
which is a serious security hole.
If you are a content company it's a security hole, if you are a TiVO
owner, it's a feature.
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