Re: Request for Linux Kernel Mailing List archives
From: Oleg Verych
Date: Thu Jun 21 2007 - 10:24:23 EST
* Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 08:21:03 +0200
> To have Gmane (news<=>e-mail [and web]) engine[s] on the will
> be the best thing ever!
Some more "Why":
> * You don't receive (or annoyingly bounce) huge traffic.
> . big backlogs are handled easily in many cases, like getting
> e-mails, replying in interesting threads, just don't care about
> flames. I've just removed (by one key-press) 300, 200, 100 messages
> of Dual-Licensing thread, because i trust Linus.
* No [for] stupid[s] ML trailes in every sigle e-mail
* Gmane News server handles crossposting, thus you will not hit same
message in LKML and linux-ide, for example (How i could forget
such useful feature? Nice things you are getting used to so fast
without even noticing it. :) <>
* Spam is not only well-filtered, it is also removed, thus even if
you see such headers (what is depends on mailing list, gmane
doesn't remove them) you will not receive the body. After some
time they are removed completely.
> * Interesting discussions are easily saved(by threads) on your side, so
> you can search them or read (any mbox format reader, like `mutt -f`)
> * (slrn) Searching Message-Id as easy as one key-combination and one
> copy/paste {1}
> * (slrn) Restoring of whole thread from one e-mail (or {1}) -- one
> key-combination
> * (slrn + Gmane) headers have "Archived-At" entry, so i can just
> copy/paste it for web-based users
> * (slrn + Gmane) listing of news-groups (actually ML<=>Gmane-NEWS)
> as easy as all above: patterns, one key-combination
> * i bet much more, than i've just told.
* While it's service, it's free software available for download, but
"is next to impossible to set up properly".
Kudos to Lars Magne Ingebrigtsen!
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