Re: Please release a stable kernel Linux 3.0

From: Bernd Petrovitsch
Date: Fri Jun 22 2007 - 04:35:21 EST

On Fri, 2007-06-22 at 00:57 +0200, ZoltÃn HUBERT wrote:
> Well, I'm using SuSE Pro 9.3 (excellent choice by the way),

Perhaps in April 2005. And if I read correctly it is unsupported
anyways (sorry, I can't find a date on that page).
ATM there are probably newer releases and I doubt that there are no
updates for the kernel (even Debian/Stable has them).

> coming with kernel 2.6.10-SuSE, on a ATI laptop, and the
> drivers privided wouldn't compile (suspend & freinds). The
> SATA disks were only supported from 2.6.15 (which just came
> out), so I had to edit the "source code" of a closed source
> driver to make it all work well. If that's "easy" for you I
> doubt it is for 99.999% of earth's population. "World
> domination" is far away.

That's an unsolvable problem: You want a "stable" distribution from year
X to support hardware designed and built in the future.

And BTW perhaps it is enough to take the kernel RPM (+ plus a few of the
kernel-near ones - dependencies will probably tell you) from the most
recent SuSE and try that if you for whatever reason want to stay with
the above release.


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