Re: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
From: Alexandre Oliva
Date: Tue Jun 26 2007 - 15:44:53 EST
On Jun 26, 2007, david@xxxxxxx wrote:
> unless you are saying that the GPLv3 is saying that a third party link
> now _is_ sufficiant.
Yup. The improvement in GPLv3 is to relax the requirement of
providing source code in physical medium if you choose to not
distribute it along with the binaries. It's recognizing that internet
access is no longer a barrier that could stop someone from obtaining
the sources they're entitled to. Even someone who doesn't have
regular or fast internet access can hire a third party who does to
perform the download and record it.
I.e., with GPLv3, you *can* point at the sources you used, even in a
site that you don't control.
However, if the site takes the sources out, you're still responsible
for providing sources to those who received the sources from you from
that point on. Or something like that, IANAL ;-)
Alexandre Oliva
FSF Latin America Board Member
Red Hat Compiler Engineer aoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist oliva@{,}
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