RE: Dual-Licensing Linux Kernel with GPL V2 and GPL V3
From: David Schwartz
Date: Tue Jun 26 2007 - 18:12:44 EST
> But thats Not a third party. If you gave as a
> link then somebodyelse could get rid of
> the link, and your offer wouldn't be valid for "at least three years"
> T
You mean it might not be valid for at least three years. It also might be.
You also might go out of business in less than three years.
You're not violating the GPL simply because you might not be able to honor
your offer in less than three years. You're violating the GPL when you in
fact fail to honor it.
I do agree that providing a link to a third party URL is risky, but I do not
agree that it doesn't comply with the GPL.
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