Re: Is it time for remove (crap) ALSA from kernel tree ?

From: Rene Herman
Date: Wed Jun 27 2007 - 13:33:26 EST

On 06/27/2007 06:25 PM, Andreas Hartmetz wrote:

I don't like random applications blocking my sound card.

So don't use random applications.

You are concerned about your precious audio quality? Me too. Most people, however, are using god-awful plastic speakers for twenty euros and shitty onboard sound chips. Sad but true.

Exactly, which is why mixing has been default for some time now for most cards. Are you only ranting about how it should've been earlier?

ALSA appeared in 1999, KDE 2 with aRtsd (another catastrophic failure of technology) was released in october 2000.

That sounds like a minor glitch that should be easily remedied if you
file a proper bug report. Have you tried?

No, I kinda gave up on ALSA after reading its API (rather "functions that happen to be exported") documentation and kinda hoped it would go away ASAP.

You give up reporting small hardware problems that bother you because the application developer documentation for something is not in great shape? What an odd thing to do. And what a shame that this thread apparently was unable to outlive it's originator troll and turn useful...

[ ... ]

hacking (i.e. more features faster). Latency is an issue? - Well you can't play sound without userspace creating it so you're not adding any new problems.



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