Re: Patch Related With Fork Bombing Attack

From: Bodo Eggert
Date: Wed Jun 27 2007 - 18:14:29 EST

(not CCing security, since it's not a security bug and it's too late to
verify if they should be on cc. Will do later.)

Anand Jahagirdar <anandjigar@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> This patch Warns the administrator about the fork bombing attack
> (whenever any user is crossing its process limit). I have used
> printk_ratelimit function in this patch. This function helps to
> prevent flooding of syslog and prints message as per the values set by
> root user in following files:-
> 1) /proc/sys/kernel/printk_ratelimit:- This file contains value for,
> how many times message should be printed in syslog.

I'm wondering: Can these ratelimits be used to tell real forkbombs from
normal oops-i-hit-the-limits? I imagine if you have your private ratelimit,
that might just do the trick.

Beware: I have no idea on how much such an extra ratelimit would cost, and if
having that ratelimit-based detector would actually be a gain.
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