RE: june 30th to july 1st date hang?
From: Fortier,Vincent [Montreal]
Date: Tue Jul 03 2007 - 10:52:33 EST
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Clemens Koller [mailto:clemens.koller@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Envoyé : 3 juillet 2007 09:05
> Hi, Vincent!
> Fortier,Vincent [Montreal] schrieb:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > All my servers and workstations running a kernel hanged
> > exactly when the date shift from june 30th to july 1st.
> >
> > I could not get anything on any of the 20+ consoles... All the
> > systems hanged at around the exact same time... When the date shifted
> > from June 30th to July 1st in UTC ...?
> >
> > Any clue any one?
> No problems over here with plain on x686
> You could just reset the date back on one of these machines
> and check the transition again... and see if it was really
> the kernel who crashed.... and check your cron configuration.
I tried reverting to 23:50 June 30th and it did not hanged when switching to July 1st. I've tried it a few times without any problems. So I deactivated all NTP related jobs, switched the date back to June 30th 23:10 and reboot the system. Wait and see.
> De : linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de Uli Luckas
> Same thing here on two machines with plain vanilla
> 2.6.21.(3/4), on debian testing & debian unstable.
I am also using Debian... But Sarge 3.1. There might be a relation there unless somebody comes up having the same problem using another dist. At least it's not CFS related.
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:linux-kernel-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] De la part de
> Arne Georg Gleditsch
> Florian Attenberger <valdyn@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > there was one 'special' event at that date:
> > syslog.2.gz:Jul 1 01:59:59 master kernel: Clock: inserting leap
> > second 23:59:60 UTC
> As far as I can tell, no leap second was due to be inserted
> at 1. of July this year. Is the year set correctly for this box?
All my server/workstations are in sync using ntp... And yes, the year is set properly on all of them.
- vin
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