Re: [RFC][PATCH -mm 0/9] netconsole: Multiple targets and dynamicreconfigurability
From: Keiichi KII
Date: Wed Jul 04 2007 - 07:50:38 EST
Hi Satyam,
At first, thank you for your helping.
I'm going to try/review your patches.
>[ I had initially thought about only modifying Keiichi's patches to
>incorporate the suggested stuff, sysfs+ioctl->configfs conversion, etc,
>but the changes became too much and I ultimately ended up rewriting the
>patchset. This also gave the flexibility to make other changes possible.
>Keiichi, Takayoshi, kindly review this, and if OK, please give your
>Signed-off-by:'s to the patches herein. ]
By the way, how can I add Signed-off-by:'s to your patches?
Should I add it to each patch and submit them to this list again?
Anybody could give me an advice?
Keiichi KII
NEC Corporation OSS Platform Development Division
E-mail: k-keiichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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