Re: Gmail and flowed text (was Re: Correction to LZO1X)

From: Gerb Stralko
Date: Wed Jul 11 2007 - 09:52:30 EST

2) If you have a box available at home (or elsewhere), use that to
relay mail through.

read linux mail from you gmail account. When you need to send a patch,
send it from a linux box using pine, but change the From to your gmail
account. Like Jesper suggested works great! Best of both worlds.

This link will help:

Scroll down untill you see a yellow box section that say:
Gmail Tips
* If you want to use the Gmail SMTP server for your outgoing
messages, I recommend that you create a Pine Role that includes these

3) Use attachments for patches (sucks, but you may have to).

Yes attachments suck, no one will read them and hence no will merge
them upstream for you.

let me know if you have any question.

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