Linux Kernel Story
From: Vijayakumar Subburaj
Date: Thu Jul 12 2007 - 09:27:52 EST
My first mail to lkml.
I would like to know what happened to linux kernel from its 1.0.
I have gone through lkml faqs, and some of LDP documents. Thought that
weekly lkml summary "Kernel Traffic" (
would be useful, but its not.
Important linux kernel bugs, fixes that were available those bugs.
Why one fix got chosen over other fixes, and related tradeoffs?
Sorry, I am too lazy to go through entire lkml, or lk usenet postings.
Are there any documents in web? How I should proceed? where I have to
start with?
Thanks and Regards,
Vijayakumar Subburaj
"Open the pod bay doors, HAL"
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