Re: [RFC] scheduler: improve SMP fairness in CFS
From: Chris Snook
Date: Fri Jul 27 2007 - 13:17:17 EST
Tong Li wrote:
I'd like to clarify that I'm not trying to push this particular code to
the kernel. I'm a researcher. My intent was to point out that we have a
problem in the scheduler and my dwrr algorithm can potentially help fix
it. The patch itself was merely a proof-of-concept. I'd be thrilled if
the algorithm can be proven useful in the real world. I appreciate the
people who have given me comments. Since then, I've revised my
algorithm/code. Now it doesn't require global locking but retains strong
fairness properties (which I was able to prove mathematically).
Thanks for doing this work. Please don't take the implementation criticism as a
lack of appreciation for the work. I'd like to see dwrr in the scheduler, but
I'm skeptical that re-introducing expired runqueues is the most efficient way to
do it.
Given the inherently controversial nature of scheduler code, particularly that
which attempts to enforce fairness, perhaps a concise design document would help
us come to an agreement about what we think the scheduler should do and what
tradeoffs we're willing to make to do those things. Do you have a design
document we could discuss?
-- Chris
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