Re: Thinking outside the box on file systems
From: Kyle Moffett
Date: Wed Aug 15 2007 - 13:23:20 EST
On Aug 15, 2007, at 13:09:31, Marc Perkel wrote:
The idea is that people have permissions - not files. By people I
mean users, groups, managers, applications
etc. One might even specify that there are no permission
restrictions at all. Part of the process would be that the kernel
load what code it will use for the permission system. It might even
be a little perl script you write.
Also - you aren't even giving permission to access files. It's
permission to access name patterns. One could apply REGEX masks to
names to determine permissions. So if you have permission to the
name you have permission to the file.
Please excuse me, I'm going to go stand over in the corner for a minute.
*hahahahahaa hahahahahaaa hahaa hoo hee snicker sniff*
*wanders back into the conversation*
Sorry about that, pardon me.
I suspect you will find it somewhat hard to convince *anybody* on
this list to put either a regex engine or a Perl interpreter into the
kernel. I doubt you could even get a simple shell-style pattern
matcher in. First of all, both of the former chew up enormous gobs
of stack space *AND* they're NP-complete. You just can't do such
matching even in polynomial time, let alone something that scales
appropriately for an OS kernel like, say, O(log(n)).
Kyle Moffett
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