On Thu, 13 Sep 2007, Mark Lord wrote:..
What happens is, there's a nice little LED on the Cruzer stick,
that is "lit" when the stick itself is not in a "power suspend" state
(or whatever you USB folks call it).
We call it "suspended". (Wasn't there an episode of Classic Trek where Mr. Spock explained to somebody, "I call them `ears'."?)
On 2.6.22, that little LED stays "on" normally, and flickers off/on
when data is being transfered.
The new "USB autosuspend" logic in 2.6.23 now causes that little LED
to turn off after a few seconds of inactivity.
Once that happens, the USB stick is not accessible until after a longish
timeout (~30s I think), followed by a USB reset. Then it is usable again
until the next inactivity timeout and autosuspend (a few seconds).
So this _isn't_ the regression described above -- to wit, that the drive gets spun down and then won't work without first being spun back up. You wrote:
My Sandisk Cruzer Micro 1GB USB sticks suffer from this regression.
But it doesn't. It suffers from a different regression.
From this observer's point of view (and being an expert on disk technologies),the same "spin up" issue for rotating media could be the culprit here too.