Re: [PATCH] 0/3 coding standards documentation/code updates
From: Erez Zadok
Date: Sun Sep 30 2007 - 00:01:30 EST
In message <alpine.LFD.0.999.0709291748160.3579@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Linus Torvalds writes:
> On Sat, 29 Sep 2007, Erez Zadok wrote:
> >
> > Would you prefer if CodingStyle was reorganized or even split into (1)
> > general principles and (2) details? Perhaps we need a CodingStylePrinciples
> > and a CodingStyleDetails?
> I'm certainly ok with the split into two files.
> What I'm not ok with is really important stuff (indentation), and then
> mixing in silly rules ("parenthesis are bad in printk's"?)
> Linus
OK, looking at CodingStyle, I see two kinds of chapters. The first is stuff
that's more generic to C, and the other is more specific to Linux and how
one codes in the linux kernel. So I propose the following:
1. we create a new file called CodingSuggestions
2. we keep in CodingStyle the following chapters
Chapter 1: Indentation
Chapter 2: Breaking long lines and strings
Chapter 3: Placing Braces and Spaces
Chapter 4: Naming
Chapter 5: Typedefs
Chapter 6: Functions
Chapter 7: Centralized exiting of functions
Chapter 8: Commenting
Chapter 9: You've made a mess of it
Note: I'd suggest we rename the title of ch9 to "Custom Editor
Programming/Indentation Modes" or something more descriptive.
Chapter 10: Kconfig configuration files
Chapter 11: Data structures
Chapter 12: Macros, Enums and RTL
Chapter 15: The inline disease
Chapter 16: Function return values and names
Chapter 18: Editor modelines and other cruft
3. move the following chapters to CodingSuggestions:
Chapter 13: Printing kernel messages
Note: ch13 is the one which mentions the don't put parentheses around %d.
Chapter 14: Allocating memory
Chapter 17: Don't re-invent the kernel macros
Chapter 19: branch prediction optimizations (the un/likely debacle)
4. We go through and ensure that every test in checkpatch is
documented either in CodingStyle or in CodingSuggestions, determined by
whether checkpatch considers it an ERROR, WARNING, or just CHECK.
I think the above chapter split will be a reasonable start, and of course we
can tweak things over time. The general idea is that CodingStyle will
remain largely unchanged (until such day as the kernel is rewritten in Java
:-), while CodingSuggestions will evolve over time and be kept in sync with
But, there's something really nice abuot having to point people to just one
file instead of two. We could also keep it all in one file, but split it
into two parts:
Part 1: Mandatory Coding Style
Chapter 1: indentation
Part 2: Coding Style Suggestions
Chapter n: printing kernel messages
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