Re: "Re: [PATCH 0/2] Colored kernel output (run2)" + "`Subject:'usage"
From: Rene Herman
Date: Sun Oct 07 2007 - 19:11:37 EST
On 10/08/2007 12:40 AM, Alistair John Strachan wrote:
Splash screens are clearly cosmetic, and it's kind of shameful (imo) that
important messages explaining real problems are obscured from view by
functionless splash screens.
They're not functionless. You (and I) might not care for the function, but
their function is providing a "slick" bootup. That's why so many if not
basically all distributions of recent origin use them. Go ask Ubuntu for
Personally, I think muddying the vga colour argument with splash screen stuff
is bogus, they're very functionally separable ideas. A coloured oops seems to
be a good way of telling novice users what information is relevant to their
bug report.
But when they're hidden by a splash screen, you don't see them any better
when they're red than when they're white. Splash screens were not mentioned
as any sort of alternative, their prevalence was mentioned as indication
that VGA console is only ever getting less important.
I find Alan's suggestion to provide the functionality the same way you'd
provide for translated kernel messages (seeing as how there also are people
that want those) much more sensible.
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