Re: PROBLEM: Freezes on GB data transfers
From: Ray Lee
Date: Fri Oct 19 2007 - 11:58:20 EST
On 10/17/07, Giangiacomo Mariotti <gg.mariotti@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Linux Kernel freezes on GB data transfers.
> Pc completely freezed while transferring 4Gb of data from
> dvd(/dev/hdc) to hd(nothing else was happening, cpu general usage at
> 5-6%).Except for this,it has been working flawlessly for 1 day,but
> when I tried to transfer 4Gb of data from the dvd to the hd,after
> having completed 60% of the transfer, the system became completely
> freezed,no keyboard,no mouse,no consoles,nothing, and the Caps Lock
> LED started to blink.
The blinking Caps lock LED means that your system is Oopsing. Please
try your test again from a console (not from X), and see if an oops
message is printed out. If it is, you'll need to either copy it down
or take a photograph of it with a digital camera, then post the text
of it or post a link to the image.
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