Re: Huawei E220 and usb storage
From: Norbert Preining
Date: Tue Oct 30 2007 - 16:47:32 EST
Hi Kristoffer,
thanks for the feedback.
On Di, 30 Okt 2007, Kristoffer Ericson wrote:
> Im using a Huawei E220 USB modem, currently running vanilla kernel. It has worked fine for me since 2.6.21.
Strange. I rebuilt the kernel, compiled the usb serial and options into
the kernel, while leaving usb-storage as module. Still I have to issue
the huaweiAktBbo program to get it working/switching into the *right*
> The lights give you a hint what mode its in. Green = usb_storage, Dark-blue = MODEM_slow, bright-blue = MODEM_fast (3G).
BTW, I have seen a slightly different pattern: Green blinking from the
calling huaweiAktBbo to make the switch
still blinking green
calling the internet provider
when the connection is established (on the hardware level, not on ip
level) the modem starts blinking blue and then solid blue
turning off the ppp connection it goes into blinking blue mode
> If the light is green after reboot, I need to reboot again until it turns blue. I know this sucks, but just something I've noticed.
Probably you could use the huaweiAktBbo program for this, too.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining@xxxxxxxx> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining@xxxxxxxxxx> Debian TeX Group
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