Re: Patch tags [was writeout stalls in current -git]
From: Balbir Singh
Date: Tue Nov 06 2007 - 12:04:07 EST
> This seems like as good an opportunity as any to toss my patch tags
> document out there one more time. I still think it's a good idea to
> codify some sort of consensus on what these tags mean...
> jon
> +By offering my Reviewed-by: tag, I state that:
> +
> + (a) I have carried out a technical review of this patch to evaluate its
> + appropriateness and readiness for inclusion into the mainline kernel.
> +
> + (b) Any problems, concerns, or questions relating to the patch have been
> + communicated back to the submitter. I am satisfied with the
> + submitter's response to my comments.
> +
> + (c) While there may be things that could be improved with this submission,
> + I believe that it is, at this time, (1) a worthwhile modification to
> + the kernel, and (2) free of known issues which would argue against its
> + inclusion.
> +
> + (d) While I have reviewed the patch and believe it to be sound, I do not
> + (unless explicitly stated elsewhere) make any warranties or guarantees
> + that it will achieve its stated purpose or function properly in any
> + given situation.
How about adding a Commented-on-by?
Initial version(s) that are not suitable or still shaping up are
commented-on by several people. A person who comments on one version
might not do a thorough review of the entire code, but through a
series of comments has contributed by pushing the developer in the
correct direction.
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