Re: mdadm/raid5 hung/d-state
From: Bill Davidsen
Date: Thu Nov 08 2007 - 12:34:44 EST
Jeff Lessem wrote:
Dan Williams wrote:
> The following patch, also attached, cleans up cases where the code
> at sh->ops.pending when it should be looking at the consistent
> stack-based snapshot of the operations flags.
I tried this patch (against a stock 2.6.23), and it did not work for
me. Not only did I/O to the effected RAID5 & XFS partition stop, but
also I/O to all other disks. I was not able to capture any debugging
information, but I should be able to do that tomorrow when I can hook
a serial console to the machine.
That can't be good! This is worrisome because Joel is giddy with joy
because it fixes his iSCSI problems. I was going to try it with nbd, but
perhaps I'll wait a week or so and see if others have more information.
Applying patches before a holiday weekend is a good way to avoid time
off. :-(
I'm not sure if my problem is identical to these others, as mine only
seems to manifest with RAID5+XFS. The RAID rebuilds with no problem,
and I've not had any problems with RAID5+ext3.
Hopefully it's not the raid which is the issue.
bill davidsen <davidsen@xxxxxxx>
CTO TMR Associates, Inc
Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979
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