[PATCH] CRISv10 memset library add lineendings to asm
From: Jesper Nilsson
Date: Wed Nov 14 2007 - 11:45:23 EST
Add \n\ at end of lines inside asm statement to avoid warning.
No change except adding \n\ to end of line and correcting
whitespace has been done.
Removes warning about multi-line string literals when compiling
Signed-off-by: Jesper Nilsson <jesper.nilsson@xxxxxxxx>
memset.c | 82 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------------
1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)
diff --git a/arch/cris/arch-v10/lib/memset.c b/arch/cris/arch-v10/lib/memset.c
index 82bb668..42c1101 100644
--- a/arch/cris/arch-v10/lib/memset.c
+++ b/arch/cris/arch-v10/lib/memset.c
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ void *memset(void *pdst,
register char *dst __asm__ ("r13") = pdst;
/* This is NONPORTABLE, but since this whole routine is */
/* grossly nonportable that doesn't matter. */
@@ -110,52 +110,52 @@ void *memset(void *pdst,
If you want to check that the allocation was right; then
check the equalities in the first comment. It should say
"r13=r13, r12=r12, r11=r11" */
- __asm__ volatile ("
- ;; Check that the following is true (same register names on
- ;; both sides of equal sign, as in r8=r8):
- ;; %0=r13, %1=r12, %4=r11
- ;;
- ;; Save the registers we'll clobber in the movem process
- ;; on the stack. Don't mention them to gcc, it will only be
- ;; upset.
- subq 11*4,$sp
- movem $r10,[$sp]
- move.d $r11,$r0
- move.d $r11,$r1
- move.d $r11,$r2
- move.d $r11,$r3
- move.d $r11,$r4
- move.d $r11,$r5
- move.d $r11,$r6
- move.d $r11,$r7
- move.d $r11,$r8
- move.d $r11,$r9
- move.d $r11,$r10
- ;; Now we've got this:
- ;; r13 - dst
- ;; r12 - n
- ;; Update n for the first loop
- subq 12*4,$r12
- subq 12*4,$r12
- bge 0b
- movem $r11,[$r13+]
- addq 12*4,$r12 ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n
- ;; Restore registers from stack
- movem [$sp+],$r10"
+ __asm__ volatile ("\n\
+ ;; Check that the following is true (same register names on \n\
+ ;; both sides of equal sign, as in r8=r8): \n\
+ ;; %0=r13, %1=r12, %4=r11 \n\
+ ;; \n\
+ ;; Save the registers we'll clobber in the movem process \n\
+ ;; on the stack. Don't mention them to gcc, it will only be \n\
+ ;; upset. \n\
+ subq 11*4,$sp \n\
+ movem $r10,[$sp] \n\
+ \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r0 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r1 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r2 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r3 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r4 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r5 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r6 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r7 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r8 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r9 \n\
+ move.d $r11,$r10 \n\
+ \n\
+ ;; Now we've got this: \n\
+ ;; r13 - dst \n\
+ ;; r12 - n \n\
+ \n\
+ ;; Update n for the first loop \n\
+ subq 12*4,$r12 \n\
+0: \n\
+ subq 12*4,$r12 \n\
+ bge 0b \n\
+ movem $r11,[$r13+] \n\
+ \n\
+ addq 12*4,$r12 ;; compensate for last loop underflowing n \n\
+ \n\
+ ;; Restore registers from stack \n\
+ movem [$sp+],$r10"
/* Outputs */ : "=r" (dst), "=r" (n)
/* Inputs */ : "0" (dst), "1" (n), "r" (lc));
/* Either we directly starts copying, using dword copying
- in a loop, or we copy as much as possible with 'movem'
+ in a loop, or we copy as much as possible with 'movem'
and then the last block (<44 bytes) is copied here.
This will work since 'movem' will have updated src,dst,n. */
/^JN - Jesper Nilsson
Jesper Nilsson -- jesper.nilsson@xxxxxxxx
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