Re: Out of tree module using LSM

From: James Morris
Date: Fri Nov 30 2007 - 19:06:06 EST

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, Crispin Cowan wrote:

> > The only case of this so far has been Multiadm, although there seems to be
> > no reason for it to stay out of tree.
> >
> Dazuko. It has the same yucky code issues as Talpa, but AFAIK is pure
> GPL2 and thus is clean on the license issues.
> That these modules are valid modules that users want to use, are GPL
> clean, and are *not* something LKML wants to upstream because of code
> issues, is precisely why the LSM interface makes sense.

I think the idea is to try and fix code quality issues through
participation in the upstream process, rather than have upstream maintain
stable kernel APIs which are naturally mismatched to the unknown
requirements of out of tree users.

- James
James Morris

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