Re: Out of tree module using LSM
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Sun Dec 02 2007 - 07:34:43 EST
> > Personally I admit I never quite saw the point of intercepting all
> > file accesses for everything. That will just always be slow as often
> > demonstrated on other operating systems and racey and unreliable too.
> > And at least the internal daemons should be already reasonably well
> > protected by standard (or beyond standard, like AA/SELinux etc.)
> > security measures, so e.g. it does not really make sense to intercept
> > all of your /etc file accesses and similar.
> Personally I don't know. I am often surprised when I hear what techniques
> the bad guys use and what is possible.
> Solution that we currently have is not so slow (btw you are free to try it
> out). And by working on a proper interface race and reliability issues
> should be solvable.
So what you are trying to do is 'application may never read bad
sequence of bits from disk', right?
Now, how do you propose to solve mmap(MAP_SHARED)? The app on the other cpu may
see the bad bits before kernel has chance to see them.
> > It might be better to identify the services (gateway, samba, file
> > server whatever) that are actually dealing with possible infected
> > "external" files and then define some generic interface that would
> > allow you to check those as the data appears.
> >
> > I would expect such an approach to perform better in the end and be more
> > reliable too.
> >
> > Note such a interface might well be user space only.
> That is fine for some classes of servers. But for some other and desktop
> more could be needed.
Andi's solution seems the only one that has chance to work _reliably_.
(cesky, pictures)
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