RE: x86, ptrace: support for branch trace store(BTS)
From: Metzger, Markus T
Date: Thu Dec 13 2007 - 07:55:21 EST
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ingo Molnar [mailto:mingo@xxxxxxx]
>Sent: Donnerstag, 13. Dezember 2007 11:30
>> Users who want to process that huge amount of data would be
>better off
>> using a file-based approach (well, if it cannot be held in physical
>> memory, they will spend most of their time swapping, anyway). Those
>> users would typically wait for the 'buffer full' event and drain the
>> buffer into a file - whether this is the real buffer or a bigger
>> virtual buffer.
>> The two-buffer approach would only benefit users who want to
>hold the
>> full profile in memory - or who want to stall the debuggee
>until they
>> processed or somehow compressed the data collected so far. Those
>> approaches would not scale for very big profiles. The small profile
>> cases would already be covered with a reasonably big real buffer.
>well, the two-buffer approach would just be a general API with no
>limitations. It would make the internal buffer mostly a pure
A user-provided second buffer would need to be up-to-date when we switch
to the user's task.
We would either need to drain the real buffer when switching from the
traced task;
or we would need to drain the real buffers of all traced tasks when
switching to the tracing task.
Both would require a get_user_pages() during context switching.
Alternatively, we could schedule a kernel task to drain the real buffer
when switching from a traced task.
The tracing task would then need to wait for all those kernel tasks. I'm
not sure how that affects scheduling fairness. And it's getting quite
A kernel-provided second buffer could be entirely hidden behind the
ptrace (or, rather, ds) interface. It would not even have to be drained
before switching to the tracing task, since ds would just look into the
real buffer and then move on to the second buffer - transparent to the
user. Its size could be deducted from the user's memory limit and it
could be in pageable memory.
We would not be able to give precise overflow signals, that way (the
not-yet-drained real buffer might actually cause an overflow of the
second buffer, when drained). By allowing the user to query for the
number of BTS records to drain, we would not need to. A user drain would
drain both bufers.
The second buffer would be a pure performance/convenience detail of ds,
just like you suggested.
The ptrace API would allow the user to:
- define (and query) the overflow mechanism
(wrap-around or event)
- define (and query) the size of the buffer within certain limits
(we could either give an error or cut off)
- define (and query) events to be monitored
(last branch trace, scheduling timestamps)
- get a single BTS record
- query the number of BTS records
(to find out how big your drain buffer needs to be; it may be bigger
than you requested)
- drain all BTS records (copy, then clear)
- clear all BTS records
Draining would require the user to allocate a buffer to hold the data,
which might not be feasible when he is near his memory limit. He could
fall back to looping over the single-entry get. It is questionable, how
useful the drain ptrace command would actually be; we might want to
replace it with a get range command.
Are you OK with this?
thanks and regards,
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