Re: NFS EINVAL on open(... | O_TRUNC) on

From: Scott
Date: Sun Dec 23 2007 - 02:17:34 EST

On Dec 22, 2007, at 5:52 AM, Gianluca Alberici wrote:
I've run into this problem The open syscall will return
"Invalid argument" when O_TRUNC is set on existing files.

The same file can be opened for append or removed.

The evidence is for example:

mars:~# mount localhost:/opt/nfs/ /mnt/tmp
mars:~# echo "Hello" > /mnt/tmp/test-file
mars:~# echo "Hello" > /mnt/tmp/test-file
bash: /mnt/tmp/test-file: Invalid argument

Can you show an strace of this please? Also, might suggest "rpcdebug - m nfsd -s all"

Scott --
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