On Sat, Dec 15, 2007 at 05:09:48PM +0100, Jan Evert van Grootheest wrote:Greg,
Greg KH wrote:
This is the start of the stable review cycle for the release.Hi Greg,
There are 60 patches in this series, all will be posted as a response to
this one. If anyone has any issues with these being applied, please let
us know. If anyone is a maintainer of the proper subsystem, and wants
to add a Signed-off-by: line to the patch, please respond with it.
Do you think it might be possible to add the subjects of the patches
next time in the announcement? This would give people an easy way
(besides the diffstat) to check what is getting fixed.
The subject of the individual patches are in the email thread that is
attached to this announcement, so it should be quite simple to get this
information by just looking in your mail reader :)
Also, it would be hard to do this, unless someone has a patch to quilt
to provide this kind of information?