Re: Updated Kernel Hacker's guide to git
From: Stefan Richter
Date: Mon Dec 31 2007 - 06:26:51 EST
Jan Engelhardt wrote:
> It says
> """Don't forget to download tags from time to time.
> git pull only downloads sha1-indexed object data, and the requested
> remote head. This misses updates to the .git/refs/tags/ and
> .git/refs/heads/ directories. For tags, run git fetch --tags $URL."""
> But when I do git pull on a simple tracking tree (e.g. git-clone
> torvalds/linux-2.6.git; git pull;) it automatically grabs new tags.
A while ago the default behavior of git pull was changed to fetch all
tags which point to objects that can be reached from any of the tracked
Old behaviour: Option --tags was needed to fetch tags at all. Current
behavior: Option --tags forces to download all tags and the objects
they point to. Option --no-tags works like the old default behavior.
Readers of Kernel Hackers' Guide to git will most certainly have a
recent enough version of git so that the "download_tags" subsection can
be removed without replacement.
Stefan Richter
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