That does imply some muppet 'extended' the debug interface for powerAlan - in googling around the net yesterday looking for SuperIO chipsets that claim to support port 80, I have found that "blade" servers from companies like IBM and HP *claim* to have a system for monitoring port 80 diagnostic codes and sending them to the "drawer" management processor through a management backplane. This is a little puzzling, because you'd think they would have noticed port 80 issues, since they run Linux in their systems. Maybe not hangs, but it seems unhelpful to have a lot of noise spewing over a bus that is supposed to provide "management" diagnostics. Anyway, what I did not find was whether there was a particular chipset that provided that port 80 feature on those machines. However, if it's a common "cell" in a design, it may have leaked into the notebook market chipsets too.
management on your laptop. Also pretty much proves that for such systems
we do have to move from port 0x80 to another delay approach.