Re: [Suspend2-devel] Freezing filesystems (Was Re: What's in storefor 2008 for TuxOnIce?)
From: Nigel Cunningham
Date: Tue Jan 01 2008 - 20:22:47 EST
Hi Ted.
Theodore Tso wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 02, 2008 at 10:54:18AM +1100, Nigel Cunningham wrote:
>>> I would also like the TuxOnIce issues related to drivers, ACPI, etc. to go to
>>> one of the kernel-related lists, but I think linux-pm may be better for that
>>> due to the much lower traffic.
>> I guess that makes sense. I guess people can always be referred to LKML
>> for the issues where the appropriate person isn't on linux-pm.
> Hi Nigel,
> I'd really recommend pushing the TuxOnIce discussions to LKML. That
> way people can see the size of the user community and Andrew and Linus
> can see how many people are using TuxOnIce. They can also see how
> well the TuxOnIce community helps address user problems, which is a
> big consideration when Linus decides whether or not to merge a
> particular technology.
> If the goal is eventual merger of TuxOnIce, LKML is really the best
> place to have the discussions. Examples such as Realtime, CFS, and
> others have shown that you really want to keep the discussion front
> and center. When one developer says, "not my problem; my code is
> perfect", and the other developer is working with users who report
> problems, guess which technology generally ends up getting merged by
> Linus?
Yes. The goal is eventual merger. That's what I was thinking too. Thanks
for the input!
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