I don't know, this all looks a bit dirty to me, MAC reading/writingThank you for looking into this, it's a major pain for me. If I knew how to, I would have submitted a patch along with the report, if I had the know-how. I'd be happy to help in any way I can.
should have been implemented in a more central way, then those people
wouldn't have confused heaven and hell with MAC address fiddling.
And yeah, this certainly looks like a bug that should be fixed ASAP,
unless my short analysis somehow happened to be wrong.
(I could probably fix it, but then the forcedeth people
most likely know better how they would like to see it implemented)
Thank you for your report!
Now the only thing remaining would be: is there a specific way to
contact forcedeth-related people? I didn't find anything within a short
Andreas Mohr