Re: new file in kernel.
From: Rafael Sisto
Date: Sat Jan 19 2008 - 09:08:53 EST
Dear Jan,
I had already read that webpage, but I dont need to change the data on
that file. I just want to create a new file and then close it, so I
can use it later in another system call, to mmap it to a user space.
Is it clearer now?
Can you please give me some code snippet?
Thanks again in advance and greetings!
Rafael Sisto.
(Jan, Sorry for the last mail, I answered to your personal mail only)
On Jan 19, 2008 10:49 AM, Jan Engelhardt <jengelh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Jan 19 2008 10:42, Rafael Sisto wrote:
> >Dear forum,
> >can anybody help me with this issue?
> >
> >How do I create a new file in kernel mode?
> >I am trying to create a file in a system call I am building.
> Even then, you are a bit too unspecific. A syscall could
> very well call a filesystem's create function and create
> a file that way, though it is a very different use-case.
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