Re: new file in kernel.
From: Rafael Sisto
Date: Sat Jan 19 2008 - 11:16:08 EST
> Did you already discuss your problems regarding design and
> implementation with your teachers before turning to LKML for advice on
> your homework?
Yes, the thing is, that this is a research project, and we don't get
much information from the teachers...
We must research on our own. I read some bibliography, searched a lot
in internet, but this problem is becoming a headache. That's why i'm
trying to get some help in the LKML.
I read the book Linux Kernel Development Second Edition, By Robert
Love, and he higly recommends to suscribe to this Mailing List, when
it is about kernel development issues. And I think this is a kernel
development issue.
If you know a better mailing list, or forum that could help me with
these issues, I would be thankfuly. I'm sorry if this is not the right
ML to ask these questions concerning "linux kernel development"...
Greetings, Rafael Sisto.
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