Re: how to tell i386 from x86-64 kernel

From: Jan Engelhardt
Date: Thu Jan 31 2008 - 20:37:39 EST

don't strip Ccs, thanks. (and try not to tofu either.)

On Jan 31 2008 17:01, Justin Banks wrote:
>uname -a will tell you, though.

No. uname is generally not a reliable source to tell you the bitness (or
more precisely, the arch). It may even happen that you cannot find out
at all if access permissions are set 'correctly'.
You may find ELF64 files flying around in the filesystem, and while that
is a strong indication of a 64-bit kernel being running, it is not a
definite Yes.

02:31 ccgmbh:~ > uname -a
Linux ccgmbh #1 SMP 2007/10/26 14:17:15 UTC i686
athlon i386 GNU/Linux

02:32 ccgmbh:~ > file `which uname`
/bin/uname: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for
GNU/Linux 2.6.4, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
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