[PATCH] BLOCK: Remove obsolete fd1772.h header file.

From: Robert P. J. Day
Date: Fri Feb 01 2008 - 08:01:38 EST

Given that the entire drivers/acorn/block/ directory no longer exists
(which included fd1772.c), there seems to be little reason to keep
this unreferenced header file.

Signed-off-by: Robert P. J. Day <rpjday@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


diff --git a/include/linux/fd1772.h b/include/linux/fd1772.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 871d6e4..0000000
--- a/include/linux/fd1772.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef _LINUX_FD1772REG_H
-#define _LINUX_FD1772REG_H
-** WD1772 stuff - originally from the M68K Linux
- * Modified for Archimedes by Dave Gilbert (gilbertd@xxxxxxxxxxxx)
- */
-/* register codes */
-#define FDC1772SELREG_STP (0x80) /* command/status register */
-#define FDC1772SELREG_TRA (0x82) /* track register */
-#define FDC1772SELREG_SEC (0x84) /* sector register */
-#define FDC1772SELREG_DTA (0x86) /* data register */
-/* register names for FDC1772_READ/WRITE macros */
-#define FDC1772REG_CMD 0
-#define FDC1772REG_STATUS 0
-#define FDC1772REG_TRACK 2
-#define FDC1772REG_SECTOR 4
-#define FDC1772REG_DATA 6
-/* command opcodes */
-#define FDC1772CMD_RESTORE (0x00) /* - */
-#define FDC1772CMD_SEEK (0x10) /* | */
-#define FDC1772CMD_STEP (0x20) /* | TYP 1 Commands */
-#define FDC1772CMD_STIN (0x40) /* | */
-#define FDC1772CMD_STOT (0x60) /* - */
-#define FDC1772CMD_RDSEC (0x80) /* - TYP 2 Commands */
-#define FDC1772CMD_WRSEC (0xa0) /* - " */
-#define FDC1772CMD_RDADR (0xc0) /* - */
-#define FDC1772CMD_RDTRA (0xe0) /* | TYP 3 Commands */
-#define FDC1772CMD_WRTRA (0xf0) /* - */
-#define FDC1772CMD_FORCI (0xd0) /* - TYP 4 Command */
-/* command modifier bits */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_SR6 (0x00) /* step rate settings */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_SR12 (0x01)
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_SR2 (0x02)
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_SR3 (0x03)
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_V (0x04) /* verify */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_H (0x08) /* wait for spin-up */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_U (0x10) /* update track register */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_M (0x10) /* multiple sector access */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_E (0x04) /* head settling flag */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_P (0x02) /* precompensation */
-#define FDC1772CMDADD_A0 (0x01) /* DAM flag */
-/* status register bits */
-#define FDC1772STAT_MOTORON (0x80) /* motor on */
-#define FDC1772STAT_WPROT (0x40) /* write protected (FDC1772CMD_WR*) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_SPINUP (0x20) /* motor speed stable (Type I) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_DELDAM (0x20) /* sector has deleted DAM (Type II+III) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_RECNF (0x10) /* record not found */
-#define FDC1772STAT_CRC (0x08) /* CRC error */
-#define FDC1772STAT_TR00 (0x04) /* Track 00 flag (Type I) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_LOST (0x04) /* Lost Data (Type II+III) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_IDX (0x02) /* Index status (Type I) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_DRQ (0x02) /* DRQ status (Type II+III) */
-#define FDC1772STAT_BUSY (0x01) /* FDC1772 is busy */
-/* PSG Port A Bit Nr 0 .. Side Sel .. 0 -> Side 1 1 -> Side 2 */
-#define DSKSIDE (0x01)
-#define DSKDRVNONE (0x06)
-#define DSKDRV0 (0x02)
-#define DSKDRV1 (0x04)
-/* step rates */
-#define FDC1772STEP_6 0x00
-#define FDC1772STEP_12 0x01
-#define FDC1772STEP_2 0x02
-#define FDC1772STEP_3 0x03
Robert P. J. Day
Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry
Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

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