Re: 2.6.24-git15 Keyboard Issue?

From: Jiri Kosina
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 08:55:04 EST

On Wed, 6 Feb 2008, Chris Holvenstot wrote:

> On this system I am using a PS2 Keyboard - and let me stress that it is
> only occasionaly that it happens - I have had 2.6.24-git15 up for about
> 2 hours now and have only seen it about a dozen times. I also note one
> other thing - although my system is lightly loaded - at this time of day
> I am pretty much just using email on an AMD 64 X2 4600+ with 2 gigs of
> of memory - I have noticed several times that I will be typing away and
> nothing is appearing on the screen - and a few seconds later - boom -
> there it all is.

It could be some timing problem. Does this happen also in console, or
only when running X?

Could you please try to

- boot with 'nohpet' kernel parameter
- taskset -p 0x00000002 <pid_of_Xserver> if this is a multi-CPU/core
machine and you are experiencing the problems only in X


Jiri Kosina
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