What is the limit size of tmpfs /dev/shm ?

From: Tomasz Chmielewski
Date: Wed Feb 06 2008 - 09:54:36 EST

Hello Kernel Users,

is there a size limit for tmpfs for the /dev/shm filesystem?
Normally its default size is set to 2 GB. Is it possible to create a 2 TB (Terrabyte) filesystem with tmpfs?
Or is there a maximum size defined in the linux kernel?

Depends on your arch.

If it's 32 bit, it's limited to 16TB:

# mount -o size=16383G -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/2
# df -h
tmpfs 16T 0 16T 0% /mnt/2

# umount /mnt/2

# mount -o size=16385G -t tmpfs tmpfs /mnt/2
# df -h
tmpfs 1.0G 0 1.0G 0% /mnt/2

So 16384G would mean the same as 0.

If you're 64 bit, you need to have really loads of storage and/or RAM to accumulate 16EB:

# mount -t tmpfs -o size=171798691839G tmpfs /mnt/2
# df -h
tmpfs 16E 0 16E 0% /mnt/2

Tomasz Chmielewski
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