[PATCH][WATCHDOG] v2.6.25-rc7: it8712f_wdt.c contains an error -was Re: [WATCHDOG] v2.5.25-rc patches
From: Oliver Schuster
Date: Tue Apr 01 2008 - 11:32:46 EST
i've mailed before to lkml and Andrew Paprocki (2008-03-12) directly.
But the original patch wasn't changed. Here's a patch to correct the
Description of the error:
By introducing the support of 16 Bit timer values for later it8712 an
error was made. The value is stored through superio_outw() which cause,
that the upper Byte is in the Register called "Watch Dog Timer Time-Out
Value (LSB) Register" and the lower in "Watch Dog Timer Time-Out Value
(MSB) Register".
A common value is 60: stored this way the watchdog timer runs out
in 4h 16mins. In case of a deadlocked server this is a long time to
wait, before the service comes back!
Wim Van Sebroeck schrieb:
Hi Oliver,
this patch can cause serious problems in the case, that someone use it
with an it8712 rev. 8 and above.
Your patch changes it8712f_wdt.c in function t8712f_wdt_update_margin():
- superio_outb((margin > 255) ? (margin / 60) : margin, WDT_TIMEOUT);
+ if (revision >= 0x08)
+ superio_outw(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
+ else
+ superio_outb(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
but here you can't use superio_outw, because the bytes are swapped
--historical reason.
I suggest to substitute
superio_outw(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
superio_outb(units >> 8, WDT_TIMEOUT + 1);
superio_outb(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
Can you keep "Andrew Paprocki" <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxx> in the loop?
Can you also create a patch and test it together with Andrew?
We need to make sure that we fix this before 2.6.25 is there.
This patch corrects an error in the driver it8712f_wdt
Signed-off-by: Oliver Schuster <olivers137@xxxxxxx>
diff -urP linux-2.6.25-rc7/drivers/watchdog/it8712f_wdt.c linux-2.6.25-rc7-aaa/drivers/watchdog/it8712f_wdt.c
--- linux-2.6.25-rc7/drivers/watchdog/it8712f_wdt.c 2008-03-26 02:38:14.000000000 +0100
+++ linux-2.6.25-rc7-aaa/drivers/watchdog/it8712f_wdt.c 2008-04-01 16:45:22.396931807 +0200
@@ -111,15 +111,6 @@
return val;
-static void
-superio_outw(int val, int reg)
- outb(reg++, REG);
- outb((val >> 8) & 0xff, VAL);
- outb(reg, REG);
- outb(val & 0xff, VAL);
static inline void
superio_select(int ldn)
@@ -170,9 +161,8 @@
superio_outb(config, WDT_CONFIG);
if (revision >= 0x08)
- superio_outw(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
- else
- superio_outb(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
+ superio_outb(units >> 8, WDT_TIMEOUT + 1);
+ superio_outb(units, WDT_TIMEOUT);
static int